National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Successor Appointment
Have You Designated Your Successor ?
Have you informed the Society of the name of the person whom you would like to succeed
to your membership?
Membership in The National Society Magna Charta Dames and/ or The Somerset Chapter
Magna Charta Barons is hereditary in the families of the primary members. Therefore each Primary
member should appoint to succeed to his or her membership in the Society, ONE of the following:
a daughter, son, granddaughter, grandson, sister, brother, niece, or nephew, or other near blood
relative by the same line of descent.
Please give this your careful consideration as it is the policy of the respective Societies to say that except
in a very unusual situation requiring special permission from the officers and council to do so, once a
successor is named, no changes may be made. The membership of the Primary and Successor members may
run concurrently. The Primary member is reminded herewith that unless the naming of' a Successor is on record
in writing prior to the death of the Primary Member, no other appointment by the Primary Member can be
honored. The mere naming of a relative in one's will is not satisfactory as the Primary member may have
forgotten that a successor was previously named. If it is not convenient to name a Successor at this time, the
Primary Member may wish to defer this decision, but it is easy to "forget" and to "put it off", so we urge you
to give this your prompt attention.
To the Secretary:
P.O. Box 4222, Philadelphia, Pa. 19144
It is my wish that the name of my * (written below) be entered in the record
of this Society as my Successor so that upon my death or resignation, he/she may be entitled to
succeed to my membership, without cost to her/him.
Her maiden name is................................................................................................................
Her married name is...............................................................................................................
His name is.............................................................................................................................
His or her parents' names are.................................................................................................
His or her address is...............................................................................................................
If the Successor is a child, please state date of birth ...............................................................
* State here whether such person is the member's daughter, son, grandson, granddaughter,
niece, nephew, mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, etc. Also include copies of documentation
to establish the relationship and the qualification of the Successor for the Society (the lineage forms
on the WebSite with copies of documentation attached may be used to establish qualification)
Date .......................................
Primary member's name printed..............................................................................................
Primary member's signature.....................................................................................................
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Copyright ? 1997-2007 National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Last modified:
December 28, 2007