National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons

Salisbury Cathedral Information, June 1999

    During the visit to the Chapter House at Salisbury Cathedral in June, 1999 there was a loose leaf binder with information concerning the Magna Charta. Interestingly, the binder consisted of printouts from various web pages.

    The first was from the National Archives and Records Administration WebSite with an article: Magna Charta and Its American Legacy.

    The next was the text of the Magna Charta

    The next concerned Egham and the referenced page is no longer active. I encourage visiting the Egham WebSite. If you use the search page there are references to Magna Charta.

    The next was an explanation of Magna Charta.

    The last was the text of a poem entitled What Say the Reeds at Runnymede by Rudyard Kipling.

    The Chapter House was described as follows:

    The Chapter House is one of the most perfect achievements of Gothic architecture in England. it was built in the mid 13th century in the style known, from the beautiful tracery of the windows, as 'Geometric'.

    This was originally the meeting place of the Cathedral clergy, or Dean and Chapter. The name 'Chapter' derives from the practice of reading a chapter of the Bible at their meetings. The Bishop, the Dean and other principal officers of the Cathedral sat against the east wall, opposite the entrance, with the other Canons to either side in front of the arcading.

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